ABC Mission Partners Podcast

ABC ChangeMaker Snapshot 2: ABC Uganda graduate Dr. Rogers Atwebembeire

African Bible Colleges Season 2 Episode 5

This is our second "ChangeMaker Snapshot" - shorter episodes featuring ABC students or alumni and the stories of how is at work through them making a difference in the lives of people in Africa.

On this episode Dr. Jeremiah Pitts, Vice Chancellor of African Bible University (ABU) in Kampala, Uganda, interviews ABU alumnus, Dr. Rogers Atwebembeire. Rogers is pastor of New City Community Church in Kampala, which meets for worship in the Chapel on our campus. He is also the East Africa Regional Director of the Africa Centre for Apologetics Research (ACFAR), a ministry equipping believers in Africa for the defense of the faith, biblical discernment and cult evangelism.

To find some of Rodgers' sermons and videos on the webpage of The Gospel Coalition, Africa Edition - CLICK HERE.

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The music on the podcast is by Psalm Project Africa.

Host: Tim Kay, Vice President of ABC
Producer: Drew Kay

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