ABC Mission Partners Podcast
The ABC Missions Partners Podcast is the podcast of African Bible Colleges. It is designed to keep our ministry partners informed about all of ABC's latest ministry activity in Liberia, Malawi and Uganda. Our shows include a combination of the following: reports and updates from our ministries in Africa, interviews with ABC students, alumni, faculty and staff, and discussions of important topics related to global missions.
In order to communicate with us, send us an email at the following address: podcast@africanbiblecolleges.net
To learn more about the ministries of ABC, visit our website: www.africanbiblecolleges.com
ABC Mission Partners Podcast
Interview with former ABC missionary and CEO of DonorSee, Gret Glyer
Gret Glyer is the author of If The Poor Were Next Door and the founder and CEO of DonorSee. On this episode our podcast host, Tim Kay, talks with Gret about the impact Gret's time as a missionary with ABC had on the trajectory of his life. They also discuss the partnership between ABC and DonorSee, and the many opportunities DonorSee is providing for people to make a difference in the life of a person in need somewhere on the other side of the world. Listen in to hear Gret's story and learn how to get involved and make a difference.
The following links will provide you with more information:
Gret's Blog
The DonorSee website
The ABC page on the DonorSee website
The Facebook page of Girls Shine Academy
Pick up a copy of Gret's book on Amazon here, or at Barnes and Noble here.
And to contact us, you can send us an email at podcast@africanbiblecolleges.net.
Host: Tim Kay, Vice President of ABC
Producer: Drew Kay